About Us


The WFPMA was founded in June 1976 and its six main objectives are:

  1. To facilitate the improvement in the quality and effectiveness of professional people management to foster a positive impact on business results.
  2. To promote the importance of the HR role in all organizations, by sharing experiences and disseminating selected member best practices amongst member countries and federations. 
  3. To stimulate and assist in the establishment and development of regional and national people management associations in those parts of the world where a continental or regional association does not exist.
  4. To create and maintain contacts and networks with all WFPMA member associations as well as with other organizations which have some activity in the same or similar field.
  5. To build relationships with international organizations to provide expert opinion and advise on people management practices.
  6. To commission or undertake research which will further broaden understanding of people issues.*

The WFPMA has a membership that represents approximately 700,000 people management professionals in over 95 national people associations around the world.

Against a background of significant global disruption, change and the quest for competitive advantage, there is a growing awareness of the value of professional human resource management in helping to deliver that vital edge through people. 

The WFPMA advances its objectives through:

  • World Congress every two years.
  • Research on critical and emerging HR issues that have a positive impact on business.
  • Recognizing outstanding world HR leaders through the WFPMA Petitpas Award.
  • Convening twice-yearly Board meetings and specialist working groups.
  • Facilitating networks among member countries, federations and external bodies.
  • Promoting the use of a website for the dissemination of relevant information.
  • WorldLink newsletter published five times a year.

*Revised 8/21/2017