A Message from the WFPMA President on COVID-19
COVID-19 caused us all to reflect and take immediate actions to preserve workplaces around the globe, in response to one of the largest pandemics in world history. We are at a point when government, business and society must work together and develop shared solutions that effectively safeguard human lives and support economic growth.
Organizations around the world are taking the necessary steps to mitigate the impact of this pandemic and safeguard jobs—not an easy task with such a rapidly evolving situation. While it is not business as usual, with great stress and uncertainty, we are at a moment where the HR community must work together, as what we do across all industries, is most critical.
Human Resources Professionals are on the front lines, taking the lead to create smart and efficient business solutions that take care of both employers and employees—while paying special attention to essential workers, so they can work in healthy and safe environments. The world of work is relying on HR professionals to navigate through these uncertain times.
As this situation continues to develop, know that The World Federation of People Management Associations remains committed to serving you and your members across the world, and join you in keeping our communities healthy and safe.
If you need any support, please reach out to me or your WFPMA Regional Federation Leader.
Together, we will keep our workers and workplaces safe and healthy, and create better workplaces for all.
Leyla Nascimento
WFPMA President